Expert Ministry of Health refuted the need for Mantoux test for children over 7 years

The expert of the Ministry of Health of Russia Irina Vasilyeva made a sensational statement. She said that There is no need to conduct a Mantoux test for children who have already turned 7. Since last year, Diaskintest for tuberculosis has been held for seven-year-old children and older children.

Irina Vasilyeva is the chief freelance physician of the country’s Ministry of Health.

Diaskintest, according to her, is an innovative skin diagnostic test for latency to various forms of tuberculosis.

The test quickly answers the question of whether a child is infected with a tubercle bacillus or not. If there is an infection, it does not make sense to vaccinate a child, if there is no infection, they vaccinate at the age of seven, after which there is no reason to make a Mantoux test.

Mantoux test, which is carried out today, often gives false positive and false negative results. For example, a "button" can give a positive result in the period of exacerbation of a banal allergy in a child.

Diaskintest is more specific and accurate.. That is why parents are urged to insist on holding it if the child is already 7 years old or more.

In September, a vaccination campaign was launched in Russian schools - children are vaccinated against the flu. According to the established practice, a Mantou test is carried out for about a week before this vaccination.


