Experts called the criminals of the parents who accustom children to vegetarianism

Representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Kaliningrad region published a memo for parents - vegetarians.

Experts called vegetarianism parental offense against the health and normal development of babies.

Moms and dads, who force children to give up meat, milk, fish, cause irreparable damage to the organisms of their sons and daughters, doctors say.

People are not born vegetarians, eating some vegetables and fruits unnatural for man and not provided by nature.

Meat is a source of essential amino acids, vitamins, protein. Children's vegetarianism in 99% of cases, the baby’s health is negatively affectedbecause a growing organism needs the listed substances, and it is impossible to replace them with cabbage or oranges.

Doctors of the Kaliningrad region give statistics: 95% of children whom parents have joined to vegetarianism are observed lag of physical development, about 35% of guys demonstrate mental and emotional disorders.

By age 14, 30% of vegan children are found chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

By the age of 18 for many grown up children, vegetarians become relevant infertility problem.

The lack of animal protein most often causes male infertility, but it also reflects in the female reproductive health not in the best way.

So far, doctors only urge parents to common sense.

Soon, perhaps, mechanisms will appear for punishing parents who are depriving a child of meat, relevant bills exist and will be considered at the state level sooner or later.


