Traffic Police proposes to introduce a new "child" sign

The Russian State Road Safety Inspectorate proposed to introduce A new sign, which will be marked by cars in the cabin which are children.

Today, many drivers stick such stickers on the rear window, but at the state level there is no official sign “Children in cars”. Not yet, and a single standard of its appearance. BUT such a sign is very necessary for greater psychological impact on other road users, they say in the traffic police.

It is proposed to fix the new sign in the rules of the road along with the signs "Novice driver" and "Disabled driver" and "Doctor".

A sign warning that a child is traveling in a car will have a uniform pattern.

The presence of a sign on cars with children inside is not yet compulsory, it will be a recommendation. But the traffic police did not rule out that gradually the requirement to stick the appropriate sign on the car, if it carries children, will be universal. If there is no corresponding sign, a fine may be imposed if there is a child in the cabin.


