The humanoid robot Kiko began working in a Chinese kindergarten

A humanoid robot named Kiko began working in a kindergarten in the city of Xiamen in eastern China.

Cute robot teacher has a small size - with a "growth" of 45 centimeters, it weighs 4.5 kilograms. The creators have programmed it to "find the language" with children under the age of 6-7 years.

Kiko can play, sing, dance, read fairy tales and parables to children, teach them to count. Moreover, such an educator does not get tired, does not go to the hospital, and is not at all nervous, even if the children behave disgustingly.

It took several years of hard work to develop, in close cooperation with the kindergarten teachers, who talked about the basic requirements for the employee of pre-school education, as well as what he should know, be able to and understand.

In China today there is an acute shortage of qualified educators and teachers in institutions.

The creation of Kiko inspires hope that the lack of personnel can be at least partially eliminated.

Now it is important that the children themselves approved the new "educator" and loved him. After completing the tests on the basis of a garden in Xiamen, the developers of Keeko Robot Technology Co. Ltd intend to put the production of Kiko on a grand scale. The robot will have several modifications.


