Game addiction officially recognized disease

Computer gaming addiction got official disease status and is listed in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

Doctors and psychologists have spoken about the danger of overuse in computer games, but officially a child with this type of dependence could not be considered sick.

WHO has now revised its approach to the problem, analyzed existing statistics and assigned game dependencies (as computerand gambling) a certain alphanumeric code in the list of existing diseases.

The disease was classified as a severe mental addiction, psychiatrists will be involved in its treatment, and psychotherapists and psychologists will rehabilitate patients.

Worldwide over the past 5 years have been registered several hundred cases of mental disorders on the basis of computer dependence, a few dozen of them ended in suicides.

Because of the desire to play, without interrupting for several days, about 25 teenagers died from exhaustion and dehydration, as well as the lack of full sleep.

Not so long ago, in Britain, a 10-year-old gamer was able to save his life, who postponed his visit to the toilet for a while, not wanting to interrupt the game, as a result of which his bowels were seriously injured. The child had to be operated on.

Now with complaints about the gambling addiction of their children, parents can legally turn to a child psychiatrist, who will be required accept, listen and prescribe a treatment course.


