Move up: Indian boy broke world record among climbers

Samanyu Pothuraj, who is only 7 years old, conquered the highest mountain in Africa - Kilimanjaro.

Not only that, the Indian boy conquered the highest peak - Uhuro Peak, its height is 5895 meters above sea level.

The child began her rise on March 29 of this year, and finished only on April 2. At the top, the kid set the national flag of his native country.

The child made an ascent under adverse weather conditions — it was raining, in places a heavy fog was falling.

From the accident of a young sportsman saved by the fact that he was not alone - his mother and coach went to the mountains with him.

Reaching Samania is an absolute world record.

Earlier, only two children conquered Kilimanjaro - eight year old american roxy getterwho climbed with her family, and eight year old Tyler Armstrong who wanted to draw attention to the problems of children with Duchenne disease.

Both of these young climbers at the time of the conquest of Kilimanjaro were a full year older than the Indian athlete.

Whether his record will be fixed in the books of records, Samania does not know yet, but petitions have already been filed.

Now, the courageous boy intends to go to Australia to conquer the highest peak of the continent, Mount Kosciusko, as the first of the children.


