Indian boy swallowed a squeak and began to make mysterious sounds

Doctors from the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi were very surprised when a four-year-old boy was brought to their reception made coughing strange whistling sounds.

The child immediately began to survey and soon it became clear that the cause of the strange sound was swallowed by the child. toy squeaker.

In general, the boy's state of health was quite normal, neither temperature, nor lethargy, nor pain were observed. Parents were alarmed by exactly the whistle when coughing.

Small toy squeaker managed to extract from the left lung, a foreign object stuck in the bronchi. A strange whistling cough stopped, the baby feels great.

A year ago in Argentina there was a similar case, but then an eight-year-old boy distinguished himself by swallowing a beep from a toy train. As a result, an element of the toy was stuck in the respiratory throat and with each inhalation it produced a drawling “tu-tuuuuu!”.

After the extraction, the parents and the doctors had a lot of fun, because the boy demanded that the doctors immediately return the squeaker back, because with a long beep, he "felt like a real transforming train".

In fact, of course, there is nothing funny in these situations. Every year, children inhale and swallow a wide variety of objects, even those whose dimensions, logically, do not allow them to be swallowed.

Almost every emergency hospital has its own "museum" - a collection of extracted swallowed items.

Experts warn parents - especially dangerous age, when different objects are swallowed inhale - from 1 to 6 years.

To avoid tragedy, you need to keep track of what the child is doing, and also not allow him free access to small and dangerous objects.


