How parental strokes anesthetize children vaccinations and shots

Scientists advised moms and dads slowly and gently stroke the child if he is to be vaccinated, given an injection or painful testing. In principle, almost all parents do it, but unconsciously, intuitively. Now the benefits of such strokes proved and justified - they have a pronounced analgesic effect.

The phenomenon of parental strokes studied in the Department of Pediatrics, Oxford University in the UK.

The research team leader Rebecca Slater monitored the brain processes and electrical activity of the brain of newborns and infants, using electroencephalography, in response to pain during a blood test. At the same time, 50% of babies before the fence were stroked on the mother’s skin at the request of the researchers, and the second half of the babies remained without stroking.

In the first group of infants, the activity of those areas of the cerebral cortex that respond to pain was markedly reduced. That is, the perception of pain has decreased several times.

The results obtained seemed little, and scientists tried to figure out with what frequency and speed you need to iron the toddlerso that he will not be hurt during the inevitable and necessary medical procedures. By experiments, it was found that ironing is necessary, so that the parent's hand on the skin of the baby moves at a speed of 3 centimeters per second. It is with this stroking that tactile sensory neurons send signals to the brain that temporarily dull the sensitivity of the pain center.

These data, scientists believe, can and should be used when conducting a massage, as well as when applying premature babies to the skin. It is important that this method of pain relief has absolutely no negative side effects.

The same group of researchers recently discovered that parental touch reduces stress levels in both babies and adults themselves.


