How to grow a genius: why is it bad to smack a child

Scientists from the University of Michigan have determined that spanking as a punishment is unacceptable for children. Physical punishment interferes with the child’s social adaptation, forces him to shut himself off from society and react painfully to new people in his environment.

Previously, they talked about flogging only in the light of pedagogical ethics; now scientists have decided to find out exactly how this method of disciplinary action affects the child.

A large international study was conducted, in which data were obtained from 62 countries of the world. Most often, children are physically punished in countries with low levels of social development. The age of the punished most often ranges from 3 to 5 years.

In total, experts analyzed the results of psychological tests of 215,000 babies, who are occasionally or regularly punished with a belt. It turned out that most of them experiencing great difficulties in matters of social adaptation.

It is noteworthy that it was more difficult to communicate and get used to the new team, and those who were not whipped, but who by chance became a witness to a vice — punished a brother or sister.

Scientists noted that the fact is that children who saw corporal punishment, very clearly visualized this and "tried on" themselves.

To help children develop better, to reach greater heights in education, to be more sociable and to easily endure stressful situations, better to give up whipping at all. This also applies to punishment with a belt and cuffs, which some parents do not even consider to be spanking. Any physical impact hurts the soul of a child. With such a call the Michigan scientists and appealed to parents all over the world.


