Contraceptives - not a hindrance: the British woman gave birth to five children while taking contraceptives

Hannah Donahue from USA made the world question the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. She took them from the age of 18, and against the background of the pills she managed to give birth to five children. For the first time, an unplanned pregnancy occurred at age 18. Despite the poverty, the fact that she and her young man were attending college, it was decided to give birth, and the first daughter Megan was born. This year, the girl will be 9 years old.

After the birth, Hannah asked the doctor to prescribe her other contraceptives, as her former had already “failed”. The doctor not only went to meet the student family, but also taught Hannah to take pills on a schedule. The girl never broke it, always saw the tablets strictly at the signal of a mobile phone. However, after a couple of months, toxicosis appeared and menstruation disappeared. The pregnancy test showed two bright stripes and Hannah’s surprise, her husband and the doctor who prescribed contraceptives, had no limit. The second daughter Charlie was born. She will soon be 8 years old.

Hannah had no more pills for faith, and after giving birth she went to the clinic, where she was given a contraceptive implant. For seven years, everything was fine, but then the state of health required the extraction of the implant. Oral contraceptives were prescribed instead.

Channa's life has changed. She broke up with her husband, and the emergence of new children and a new marriage in her plans were not included.

A year ago, a woman met a 30-year-old man, and only one night with him (against the background of contraceptive pills!) Was enough to get pregnant immediately triple!

It turned out that all three were not twins, each was conceived from a separate egg cell. There was no limit to the bewilderment of the doctors.

The new acquaintance turned out to be a responsible man, he took care of Hannah and her children. When a woman was offered a reduction (extraction of “extra” embryos), she flatly refused.

Two girls and one little boy were born.

Journalists are phenomenal mother reported that her confidence in contraceptives has been completely undermined, but she has no regrets, children are her joy and the meaning of her life.


