Krasnoyarsk teenagers came up with a hypoallergenic perfume for their peers

Schoolchildren from Krasnoyarsk school number 36 invented and created allergy-free perfume for allergy sues. The authors of the idea, Kolya Zhelonkin and Nadya Malevannaya, often observed how their peers suffered from allergies, including perfume, and therefore decided to help them.

The result was a clean, perfume-free water without allergens with a soft and pleasant unobtrusive aroma.

The basis lay oily concentrates of plants rich in essential components (lavender and geranium). The name of the toilet water corresponding to Chanel number 36.

All raw materials for the production of hypoallergenic perfume the guys grew themselves in the school greenhouse. The first samples of spirits have already been received by the local Rospotrebnadzor for research on safety, and a whole line of teenagers and adults are lined up with schoolchildren with an allergy to perfume.

It is assumed that after checking the toilet water will sell for 100 rubles. The students decided to send the proceeds to equip the necessary equipment for the school chemistry office.


