On a leash: kids in the kindergarten in the Urals, walking on a rope

Yekaterinburg residents were shocked to see the street kindergarten children on the rope. That is how the teacher "walking" a group of pupils.

Pictures of the strange walk immediately appeared on the Internet, and also sent to the prosecutor's office and staff of the local department of pre-school education of the Ministry of Education of the region.

Eyewitnesses say that some children held on to the rope and cried. The teacher did not pay attention to the complaints and demanded from the pupils only one thing - to dutifully follow her, not letting go of the rope.

The kindergarten director reacted first to criticism. She stated that this practice of walking with babies is normal. Since the nursery group contains the smallest pupils who are 1.5-2 years old, it is rather difficult to walk with them in a different way. And on the rope the kids will not scatter and will not get lost.

The director recalled the Soviet pedagogical practice, in which, according to her, this was exactly what happened.

However, in the Soviet kindergartens walking the children on the rope never practiced. In order not to lose the children, they were asked to hold hands or each other, which can be clearly seen in the archival photos, which have been preserved quite a lot.

But here in the cartoons of the same period the rope way of walking for kids was taking place.

On the rope, children walk for quite some time in the preschool institutions of the United States, in some other countries. And they see no crime in this - the rope is necessary for the safety of the guys themselves.

Having considered the arguments of the parties, the children's ombudsman of Yekaterinburg, Igor Morokov, also concluded that nothing terrible had happened.

But the parents of the kids who got the photo are not so optimistic. They did not give their consent to such walks, and therefore intend to complain to the prosecutor's office.


