Cold heart: mother left a naked child in the frost at minus 39 ° C

In Yakutia, a criminal case was initiated against a woman who left her own daughter on the porch of the house without outerwear in the cold. Mother herself went for another batch of liquor. Thermometers in Yakutia have dropped to minus -39 ° C these days.

The little daughter, who had not yet turned two years old, began to cry when mother gathered to the store for a bottle of intoxicant. To calm down the child, the woman took her in her arms and carried her out on the porch. With this girl stayed in light home clothes, neither the jacket, nor the jumpsuit the mother put on her deign.

She left the baby in the cold, and she calmly went to the store. The little child managed to survive only miraculous coincidence.

On a deserted street, usually, a tiny passer-by noticed a crumb. He brought the child into the house and called the police and ambulance doctors.

Doctors gave the child first aid, and then hospitalized the girl with a strong hypothermia. The police opened a criminal case and have already taken it to court. Mother for whom a bottle of vodka turned out more expensive than the life of your own babyplan to strip parental rights.


