Ministry of Health warned: homeopathic and antiviral drugs for acute respiratory viral infections are impractical

Ministry of Health of Russia released new recommendations for the treatment of SARS. Outbreaks of acute respiratory viral infections are already recorded in almost all regions of the country.

The document, in which the Ministry of Health gave recommendations to attending doctors, caused real furor in the professional environment. For the first time, officials and members of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia openly and officially recognized what they had previously spoken about only on the sidelines and in a whisper - antivirals and homeopathic remedies do not affect the course of treatment of children with ARVI.

Widely publicized "Anaferon children", "Ergoferon", "Immunal", "Otsillokokcinum", "Viferon" and many other means that pediatricians today prescribe children who have the flu and ARVI, do not accelerate recovery, do not affect this process.

The document of the Ministry of Health is strongly recommended to doctors stop nominating them and tell parents that viral infections are benign in nature, and only need to provide children with drink, rest and fresh air. Only minimal medicinal interventions are acceptable - symptomatic remedies for a cold or cough.

The Ministry of Health indicates that the evidence base of antiviral efficacy is practically absent. So far, it has not been possible to prove that the well-known drugs that parents buy for the domestic first-aid kit in the incidence season have at least some effect on the body. Their appointment should be considered unwarranted..

Also, the Ministry of Health in its document recalls that viral infections in children are categorically can not be treated with antibiotics and even more so to prescribe antibiotics to prevent possible post-viral complications, as many pediatricians do today.

Doctors took the new document with enthusiasm. Him to be honest waited for a long time. A wide range of antiviral and homeopathic remedies effectively helps only the manufacturers of such drugs - they receive multibillion-dollar profits during the ARVI seasons.

The clinical guidelines of the Ministry of Health do not have legal status. These are only recommendations for doctors.

Follow them and treat children adequately or not to follow and continue to prescribe expensive "pacifiers", decide for each particular doctor.

The full text of the document is published on the website of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. Parents will also find it useful, because they have the right to ask the pediatrician for a justification of the drugs prescribed to the child. K is also a clear understanding of the futility of antiviral drugs. will help save a lot of money for the family budget. A sick child will be much more beneficial if mom and dad buy fresh fruit for it with this money.


