The Ministry of Health told what parents should not do if the child is sick with the flu

Experts from the Center for Medical Prevention at the Ministry of Health told what mistakes parents should avoid if the child has got an acute respiratory viral infection or flu.

First of all, he needs to provide food rich in vegetables and fruits, carefully air the room in which the patient is located, despite the weather conditions outside the window. The child does not need much to eat, but he is sick it is vital to drink a lot.

Parents are strongly recommended to abandon the idea of ​​any self-treatment. It is important to immediately call the doctor at home.

During the illness, the child must comply with bed rest. Moreover, in bed he needs to spend at least 3-4 days, regardless of the severity of symptoms.

Absolutely forbidden:

  • giving the child antibiotics - they have no efficacy against viruses;
  • give the child aspirin and other drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (there is a risk of developing Ray's syndrome);
  • giving a child under 12 years old analgin due to the increased risk of developing blood and kidney diseases;
  • drip in the nose drops with antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drops, it is quite enough to wash the nose with seawater, saline or homemade saline.

These simple security measures will help protect a sick baby from serious complications of viral diseases.

Prevention specialists stressed that the question of whether or not to give antiviral drugs for ARVI should be addressed by the parents themselves. None of the widely advertised drugs. has no proven effect. With the flu in severe cases, anti-influenza drugs are prescribed with proven effectiveness, but such treatment is carried out in the hospital.


