On vacation at will: parents with many children will be able to take a vacation at any time

The second reading in the State Duma passed a bill that allows large moms and dads take annual paid leave at any time convenient for them.

If the family grows three or more children, parents will be given the priority right to choose the time of rest compared to the other colleagues. The employer will not be able to refuse a request for leave in the period chosen by the employee.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation today determines the procedure for obtaining vacation in accordance with the vacation schedule, which is drawn up at the enterprise and approved by management.

Large parents will be able to rest outside the schedules and regardless of the needs of colleagues and production needs.

The life of families, where many children are being brought up, thus, should become richer. Parents will be able to spend more time with their children at a time when they have holidays.

The task of making life more comfortable for large families in Russia was set by the head of state, Vladimir Putin.

The draft law amends the Labor Code. When taking into account the number of children need to remember that in the standings are only children who are under 12 years old. If three minors grow up in a family, but one of them is more than 12 years old, then the right to extraordinary leave will not be granted.

The interests of employers should not suffer, according to parliamentarians, since there are not so many families in the country that meet these requirements.

The document will soon have a final, third reading. By this time, its creators - MP Tamara Pletnev and a group of her colleagues - should make all the discussed amendments to the draft law.

After the adoption of the third reading of the amendment will make the Labor Code and determine the timing of the entry into force of the law. While it is assumed that the new rules go on vacation should begin to act from January 1, 2019.


