Large families in Russia: are they breeding poverty or are they saving the country?

In Russia, it is proposed to introduce uniform state standard of the level and quality of life of children. The so-called "children's standard" will include a list of goods and services that should ensure the quality life of children in the family.

With such an appeal to the President of the country Vladimir Putin made experts of the Institute of Demography and Regional Development.

The creation of such a standard will be useful primarily for large families. Experts explained that it is these families that help the country's economy, because they give more workers to the state than families that raise only one or two children.

Today, the quality of life of each child in large families is lower than the quality of life of a child who does not have brothers and sisters, because there are simply not enough parental salaries. A family with one child and an average income can afford a vacation at sea, and at least occasionally expensive purchases. A family with five children and a similar level of income can not provide rest on the sea for all children in most cases.

It is this injustice that must be eliminated. A single standard will help level the living conditions of children.

A single standard should include a set of products, non-food goods, medicines, education and medical expenses, rest and leisure. It should also provide for a certain share of living space and the availability of a car for a family.

It is planned that the "child standard" will become part of the law on the status of large families in Russia, which is now being developed on the instructions of the head of state.

Equalizing the living standards of children from large families and families with one or two children will help state grant systemsure the authors of the initiative. Moreover, the amount of the monthly grant should directly depend on the number of children in the family.


