Large families will be helped to get places in kindergartens

A bill has been submitted to the State Duma of Russia today, to which all large families will be welcome. According to the document, children from such families will receive special right to a place in kindergarten and nursery.

Today, such a right for large families is not specified in federal legislation, but it is spelled out in a presidential decree of 1992, which has not been canceled.

Today, children of police officers and military personnel, as well as those whose parents suffered as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, are taking turns to kindergartens.

Large in this list is, but in modern federal legislation, which guides the director of kindergartens, they are simply forgotten. As a result, mothers and fathers with many children mollify complaints to the prosecutor’s office, the children's ombudsman’s office, because they have to give the children to where there are places, and sometimes 2-3 babies in different kindergartens to different parts of the city turn into the real test of strength in the morning.

A bill submitted to parliament must put everything in its place. When you register a child in kindergarten, parents with many children will receive the same rights as police and military. The document is planned to be adopted as soon as possible so that from next year it will come into force.


