Found a way to detect childhood autism by blood analysis

In the UK, found a new way to early diagnosis of child autism. Scientists from the University of Warwick have created a test that is able to quickly identify some brain disorders. on changing the composition of the blood.

Developers claim that plasma proteins damaged in their structure are determined in the blood of children with autism. The main marker is dithyrosine. It is his blood plasma level that can affect the complex mechanisms of the development of brain functions.

The researchers emphasize that it is possible to detect dithyrosine not only in the blood, but also in the urine of the baby.

The British experts have already tested their rapid test in the control group of small patients. The results exceeded expectations - in 90% of babies with elevated levels of damaged plasma protein, subsequently, other reliable methods confirmed the presence of autism.

New tests, according to scientists, will help in the early diagnosis of autism, which is very important in order to start treatment in time, correct the child’s activities and development exercises.


