Neurosurgeons from Novosibirsk rescued the baby, which other doctors refused.

Novosibirsk neurosurgeons have done a real miracle - they saved the baby with rare and very dangerous pathologies. The parents brought the child to Novosibirsk. It was not even a request, but a cry for help, because all the doctors that mom and dad addressed with the baby in their native Barnaul, in some other cities, flatly refused to do the child's operation, considering it an impossible task.

The baby from Barnaul was born with a rare pathology - "scaphocephaly" occurs in one case in 2000 thousand births.

With this disease, the sutures of the skull overgrown in a child - either early or late. Bone growth leads to severe deformities of the cranial bones. The disease is treated exclusively by surgery.

But the doctors, who stated that the bones of the skull of two-month-old Egorka grow together too quickly and incorrectly, found the intervention in a particular case too risky for the life of the child. Age was cited as a reason for refusal - the boy is too small.


Novosibirsk neurosurgeons also understood that risks are extremely high, but the delay can cost the child life and health - the brain is impaired, and irreversible pathological processes can begin to occur in it. The brain can not fully develop and grow - it does not allow it to do the shape of the skull.

They decided to take up the operation at Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1. They were preparing for a short time, but very carefully. The dose of anesthesia was calculated to a milligram, and every millimeter was thought through every movement of the scalpel.

The operation lasted several hours. During this time, doctors dismantled the bones of the skull and rearranged them in the correct position. The infant bones are quite soft, and therefore we can safely say that the child had anew formed the skull.

The brain of the baby was able to grow and develop, and even the seam on the head, which will always remind of this risky battle for the life of the crumbs, according to surgeons, will be hardly noticeable, and when the hair grows, it will not be visible at all.

The condition of the baby is satisfactory, the seams have already been removed, and soon Egorka will go home with his mother.

Novosibirsk doctors entered with their act new page in the history of domestic medicine - previously, such small children who had not reached the age of 3 months did not perform such operations.


