Newborn Russians will not be given identification numbers

From October 1, a unified state electronic registry office began to work in Russia. In this regard, the Ministry of Justice explained that the idea of ​​issuing identification numbers to newborns instead of birth certificates, which we had been discussing for a long time in the country, until we decided not to implement.

Testing the electronic base began in the summer. At first it was tested in ten Russian regions.

From today, all regions, territories and republics are connected to the unified digital registry of the registry office. Previously, archives were stored in paper form in the registry offices of each individual region.

By the end of 2020 it is planned to transfer all existing archives to electronic format, and this over 524 million vital records.

For adult Russians, the new system should be very convenient. Now you do not have to send letters of inquiry to the registry office of another region in order to receive a copy of the divorce or marriage certificate, about the birth of a child, if such a document was lost and issued at one time in another region. You can get a copy in the registry office at the place of actual residence without prior requests and long waiting for a response.


