In New York, only one unvaccinated child provoked measles outbreak

In New York, doctors and epidemiologists have declared an increased danger. A measles outbreak in this city has provoked only one child, whose parents refused vaccination.

According to the chain reaction, 58 citizens of different ages fell ill, and there are tragic losses - a pregnant woman lost her unborn child due to infection with measles. One of the hospitalized children is in critical condition and the best doctors in New York are now fighting for his life.

A dangerous and highly contagious viral infection, accompanied by an increase in body temperature above 40.0 degrees, severe inflammation of the oropharynx, nasopharynx, acute conjunctivitis and a characteristic skin rash, is always associated with severe intoxication.

It is she who often leads to the death of the sick person - the kidneys, the liver fail, systemic inflammation begins, the brain membranes are affected. Also dangerous are complications - pneumonia, meningitis.

From the budget of the city urgently allocated 400 thousand dollars to fight infection.

It is known that a child whose parents refused vaccination became infected during a visit to London. Then he infected his relatives and neighbors, and then people began to arrive at the hospitals, one way or another, who were nearby - on the plane when they returned home from the UK, at the pharmacy, where the family came for medicines, etc.

Potential patients total 3351 people. More than 60% of them are vaccinated, but the rest are completely unprotected. Doctors are preparing for an epidemic.

In Russia, measles outbreaks were also recorded in a number of regions this year.

In particular, this applies to the Rostov region, Buryatia, Tatarstan. But the number of vaccinated people in our country is higher, and therefore the epidemic, most likely, will not. Nevertheless, health officers recommend asking a question about vaccination pediatrician - you need to make sure that your child has not missed the measles vaccine, and if you have missed, make it as soon as possible.


