Villagers hunt down a child for sending a letter to Putin

12-year-old resident of the village of Tomsino in the Pskov region wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin, in which she asked for help - in the village they closed the school, the students are forced to walk to the next village for knowledge. At the same time, the girl complained to the president that her mother received only 12,000 rubles a month, working two jobs at once. The young village woman completed her message with a request that the president should give the family a mini tractor and a walk-behind tractor so that it would be easier for them to work the beds with their mother living without a man in the family.

The child’s letter did not reach the head of state. And local authorities said that absolutely nothing can help this family.

Journalists told about the missing message. Then compassionate residents of the region collected and transferred about 90 thousand rubles to the family of the child. Mom and daughter bought a walker, medicines, some clothes and textbooks, which the girl did not have (she had to ask for the books from classmates). This situation did not like the neighbors of the family.

They began to openly insult the girl, call her an upstart, a fool and an idiot. Grown-up people blame the teenager for trying to complain to Putin, although "everyone lives in a bad way and nothing, they are silent."

Mother teen forced to write a letter of resignation on their own. The girl was repeatedly threatened not only by her peers, but also by their adult parents. Now the family has no choice but to move from their home, since they are not given work or life in the village.

Having learned about the persecution, bloggers and journalists decided to help the family, they intend to finish the job - to do so, so that the message addressed to the head of state reached the addressee. Also, the family is ready to assist in the move, if it comes to that.

The Internet community hopes that the situation that occurred in November of the last year in the Smolensk region will not be repeated. There, a 14-year-old girl decided to commit suicide — she was harassed for what she honestly set out in a letter to the president the situation in the school and the village, after which checks and some officials were punished in the educational institution and the local administration. The girl with vision problems ended up being blamed for everything, all her peers refused to talk to her, and the teachers declared her a boycott.


