Plastic dishes are extremely dangerous for children's health - is it true or myth?

American pediatricians warn parents of the whole world about emergency hazard plastic containers and glasses for school lunches and breakfasts.

Experts are sure that additives and substances that are used in the production of plastic containers for food can cause not just harm, but irreparable harm. Their arguments are published in the authoritative medical edition Pediatrics.

Doctors are confident that plastic packaging is generously "divided" by toxic substances in the packaged products.

The most dangerous is bisphenol - a substance required in the production of plastic utensils and containers.

Bisphenol acts similarly to the hormone estrogen, disrupting puberty, and also contributes to the deposition of fat, excess weight, nervous disorders.

Plastic phthalates are dangerous mainly for boys - they affect the development of the genital organs, and also contribute to the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

Nitrites are also dangerous, which are added to the composition of dish plastic to ensure a longer preservation of products.

Pediatricians require manufacturers to abandon the use of these substances, but so far in vain.

To minimize risks, doctors at the American University of Pediatrics called for parents refuse to use plastic containers for baby food. If this is not possible, they strongly recommended not to heat the food in containers in order to avoid the release of large doses of bisphenol, as well as not to wash plastic containers with hot water.


