Eternal children: why modern teenagers do not want to become adults

Specialists of the Center for Contemporary Childhood Studies at the HSE Institute of Education told, what are the reasons why modern teenagers do not want to grow up.

And this statement has good reasons. The age of first marriage increased by three years, and now young people do not want to marry earlier than at the age of 27, and girls do not want to get married before 25 years. Young people do not want to leave their parents' care until they are 23-25 ​​years old, believing that living with mom and dad to this age is quite normal and very comfortable. About 10 years ago, children from the age of 18 yearned for independence.

Experts in the field of sociology and child psychology argue that the causes of delayed adulthood are rooted in educational reform.

As before, those who, after school, choose service in the army, and then marriage, children, and family, grow up a little earlier. If the student goes to the university, and from there to the magistracy, graduate school, then in principle he is not ready for early maturation, because he becomes a "perpetual student."

Society is becoming more complex, routine mechanical work is often replaced by machine, and therefore modernity requires a more intellectual approach from the young.

For this reason, fewer and fewer are those who go to work after the army as a driver without receiving an education, and more and more are those who, from school, think their future life, starting with entering the university.

Experts stressed that the process of learning new is inextricably linked with the feeling of childhood within.

That is why adults are so hard and difficult to absorb new knowledge. That is why there is nothing surprising in the fact that modern children remain so at times and up to 30 years old. Biological age can no longer be considered a sign of adulthood as such..


