Why housing programs for families with children do not improve the demographics?

The auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Yuri Roslyak, said that public housing programs for young families with children practically do not work, that is, they do not achieve the main goal, for the sake of which they were created - do not increase fertility.

The Audit Chamber sounded the alarm: budget funds to support families in terms of their acquisition or housing construction are allocated, but, alas, they do not lead to positive indicators in demography.

Yury Roslyak, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

The audit of the Accounts Chamber conducted at the end of last year in the regions of the country showed that much still needs to be reconsidered in matters of state support for young families.

Specialists of the Accounts Chamber counted 219 thousand Russian families with children who are participants in the state program. Of them only 14,000 annually receive housing assistance, the rest continue to languish from the queues, waiting, and this is clearly not conducive to procreation.

Initially, according to experts of the Accounts Chamber, a program of support for young families was created for all; it did not distinguish between families with one child from large families. But on the ground, in the regions, often authorities prefer it to having many children, pushing the needs of families with 1-2 children in the background.

All this, according to auditors, violates the rights of young families who have not yet decided to have a third child. If everything continues this way, the family may never decide on this step.

Yuri Roslyak stressed that the points of the law and the state program should be used reasonable and fair and recalled that this year 4.3 billion rubles will be allocated from the state treasury to support young families in resolving their housing issues.


