Looks like dad - you will be healthy: scientists have made an unexpected discovery

American scientists have found that babies who are born similar to their fathers, have better health than crumbs, similar to moms, grandmothers and other relatives.

It is about the health of the baby at the end of the first year of life. For the study, scientists from Binghamton University took only babies that were born out of legal marriage, and whose parents live separately.

Total studied about 700 such kids.

The findings were quite unexpected. It turns out that with babies that look like dads, fathers spend more time. With the children who inherited mom's traits, dads spent almost 2 days less.

Communication with dads, according to doctors from the university, has a positive effect on the formation of the immunity of children.

Scientists advise moms from single-parent families more often involve the father of your child to communicate with the crumbs, even if cohabitation is not possible.


