A year and a half Chinese woman spent four days in the forest alone and managed to survive

In the south of China, in the Gansi-Zhuang region, they managed to find a living and practically healthy girl who in her year and a half she managed to survive after being in the forest for several days.

The baby is the daughter of a local farmer. She played with her brother and sister on the outskirts of the village. At some point, the child began to play, went into the forest, but could not find the way back. They did not manage to find a child and little brothers with a sister.

For some reason, the baby’s father decided not to rush to contact the police and day waiting for the little daughter to return on their own. Then he nevertheless turned to the site, a search operation was organized.

More than 700 police officers from all the neighboring settlements were involved in the search for the child, and adult fellow villagers of the lost child also came to their aid.

More than 50 rescue drones with video cameras were launched above the forest, and dog handlers with dogs specially trained for searching people were combing the forest from the ground.

Three days without sleep and lunch breakAll participants in the operation searched the forest for meters by meters, in which, according to the girl’s brother and sister, she was lost.

Inspected all the rivers, ponds, lakes and ravines. On the roads organized car inspection posts. The child was searched in all cars leaving the autonomous region by traffic police officers.

Only on the fourth day, one of the rescuers was able to catch the quiet sounds from the undergrowth of bushes on the steep slope of the hill.

The girl was alive and almost healthy. It was bitten strongly by insects, the body was covered with scratches, and doctors also determined that the child had moderate dehydration.

A detailed examination at a local clinic showed that there was no serious harm to the girl’s health.

The police said that the child survived only by a miracle. But the sluggishness of the father can now become the basis for initiating an investigation against him.

So late going to the police, if the child disappeared more than a day ago, could be deadly for the crumbs, and therefore regarded by law enforcement officers as an attempted murder, negligence and failure to provide assistance to those in need.

If a man fails to substantiate clearly why he lingered a day with a statement about the disappearance of a child, he could face a large fine and a prison sentence.


