The benefits for the first and second children in Russia will be paid in a new way.

The Ministry of Labor of Russia proposed to appoint monthly allowances for the first and second children. excluding other benefits the family receives. Previously, benefits were considered a type of income and added to the total "treasury" of the family. Now it is proposed to calculate the income for the calculation of benefits less other social benefits.

The bill, which implies such an amendment, was published today on the federal portal of legal information.

The Ministry of Labor explained that we are talking exclusively about two types of benefits - for the first child from the state budget and for the second - from the parent capital.

Amendments should enter into force on January 1, 2019.

Thus, the number of recipients of benefits can grow, because the average per capita income of each family member without taking into account social benefits assigned to children or mother earlier, real amounts of family income will be less. This will enable more families to expect benefits.

Today, from the family who comes to apply for a first-born or second-child allowance, an income certificate is required.

Both income includes both maternity allowances that a woman received before giving birth, a lump-sum allowance given to her after giving birth, as well as a monthly child care allowance and a number of other payments from the state.

Amendments to federal legislation exclude these types of income from the composition of the average per family, that is, only labor incomes will be taken into account. And if the average per capita amount is less than the subsistence level in a particular region, the family can safely count for benefits until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

The amount of the allowance will continue to be tied to the level of the subsistence minimum in the region, on average in Russia it is 10,500 rubles.


