The press service of Buckingham Palace has made an official statement about the child Megan Markl

The royal press office had to respond to media reports about the baby Megan Markle, who should be born soon. Making statements about the personal lives of members of the royal family, the press service of Buckingham Palace does not like, but sometimes it is necessary. The reason this time was the statements of journalists of world mass media that how exactly is going to raise the child of the Duchess of Sussex Megan Markl.

Recently, reporters reported that Megan is going to raise the royal heir in a gender-neutral style, without making accents on the child’s field. It was this statement that caused bewilderment and resentment in the royal family.

Representatives of the press service made an official statement that such "asexual" education of the heir to the British throne - unacceptable nonsense, and Megan Markle was not going to do anything like that.

The article that the Duchess is going to raise a child without regard to his gender, was published in the Vanity Fair, the journalists referred to the statements of a friend Megan, who attended a baby party on the occasion of fast delivery in New York. Information was immediately picked up by other publications and widely disseminated it.

It was after this party, to which some guests carried gifts in blue and blue packages, it became clear to the world community that Megan was expecting a boy. However, the decoration of the holiday itself was puzzled by all - a pink cake, pink balls, but for some reason blue gifts.

The press service of Buckingham Palace explained that the floor of the future child Megan Markl and Prince Harry is not yet reliably known, the couple themselves decided that he should remain a secret even for them until the birth, hence the double decoration - blue and pink.


