Psychologists have called five dangerous phrases that can not be spoken to children.

The Association of Child Psychologists has issued a memo for parents, in which she pointed to five common phrases that parents say to their children, not realizing that they are very destructive to the child's psyche. These phrases are:

1. "Let's hurry up"

When parents rush a child with such a phrase, they certainly want the best. But in fact, this voice command launches in the child's psyche the starting mechanism of the most ordinary panic. Do well and quickly already just will not work. Fear of doing bad will only increase panic mood. As a result, an overloaded psyche, anticipating events and preventing "overload", simply turns on the braking mode. Noticed that after the command "Come quickly!" does the child start doing something else more slowly? It works that way.

2. "Let me help"

This can be heard from any mother and from any father, and at first glance there is nothing wrong with this phrase. Psychologists argue that it is this phrase that ultimately forms a non-dependent person, incapable of responsible actions and decisions. The kid gets used to the fact that after this phrase an appropriate parental action immediately follows, and as a result, no one even counts his own opinion. Experts believe that a child who does not ask for help does not need help - let him do it himself, make mistakes and do it again.

3. "You'll drive me crazy!"

This phrase makes the child feel deeply guilty. He may not show the mind, but in his heart he will take responsibility for your headaches, fatigue, and even SARS with the flu, because, in his understanding, it is he who causes you irreparable damage by his behavior. The child will not be able to behave differently, do not even hope, but the complex of guilt with all the diseases and problems arising from it will work.

4. "Leave me alone"

One of the most popular phrases. Mom and dad can be understood - they were working, tired, they want to lie down in peace and quiet, and the child needs something, calling somewhere. What happens to a baby who has this phrase too long? He quickly begins to conclude that parents absolutely do not value the time they spend with their child. If his impulses to show something or do something together with relatives, run into this terrible and destructive phrase, the inferiority complex is gradually formed in the child - he feels unwanted, unnecessary, untimely, superfluous. Such children, growing up, usually accurately copy the behavior of parents in relation to their own children. So grow miserable, disgruntled generations of people.

5. "You are still small to ask such questions"

The period of "why" and "why" has its own time limits. This is a great opportunity to tell a child who absorbs everything like a sponge, why the sun is shining, why the earth is round, why storks bring in children, and so on. A huge children's curiosity at a certain age can cause irritation to parents, and the need to respond once again to the same simple question can completely lead to a breakdown.

But the most unpleasant for a child is the answer that he is too small to know the truth. Think for yourself if the question was born in the children's head, then it requires an answer. The child is not small, just the answer for him even to complex and adult questions need to be built in accordance with age. Then the baby will not lose a healthy curiosity and craving for new information - this will do good service later, in the process of studying at school, university.


