Psychologists told how to choose a section for a child

Out-of-school, additional education is necessary for the harmonious development of the child. It is a fact. But think about who chooses the section for the child? Most often, parents. Psychologists are confident that the right choice can be made only taking into account certain nuancesotherwise, the choice will remain papa or mama's, and for the child it will be a burden.

At the beginning of the school year, experts in the field of children's world outlook and fine mental organization decided to recall what rules in the choice of additional education should be followed. Memo appeared on the Internet.

First of all, experts do not advise loading a child into attending a section or a music school, if the kid is a first grader.

Stress from the start of school, the adaptation period, the new regime, and the increased demands from adults - all this requires enormous strength without it. There are two ways out - either start driving the child to the section a year before school, or do it in the second grade when the adaptation period is over.

The second rule is that to develop a child needs to be versatile. If he wants to attend a hockey school or a wrestling section, then there he will begin to develop physically. It will not be superfluous to offer such a child also a drawing studio, a robotics circle or vocal courses, so that it can develop and be creative.

A big parental mistake is to transfer your unfulfilled desires to children.

It often happens that an adult who dreamed of becoming a great hockey player or figure skater as a child, but could not realize it, donates a child to hockey or figure skating, while the opinion of the baby is not particularly taken into account.

Also, it is not necessary to require a child to attend a group or section just because the parents have already paid for it.

Such an approach to additional education will only cause neurosis and persistent rejection, and will in no way contribute to the acquisition of new skills and abilities.

Parents should beat quite flexible - if the child went to a circle two or three times and did not like it, didn’t interest, you don’t need to insist. Let him go to another, which he chooses himself, it is possible that there he will find for himself exactly what will entice him.

Psychologists emphasize that the ideal circle or section is such a circle, which is located not far from home, events in which are completed no later than 19.00, and classes in which do not interfere with study and good rest, because walk, eight-hour sleep for a child has not been canceled.


