A child of 8 million dollars: a couple in the United States recognized the sex of the unborn child and burned 200 square kilometers of land

The tradition played a cruel joke with future parents from the USA have a baby party. As soon as the doctor says, the child of what sex is being hatched by a woman, they arrange gender reveal party. This is a big party with a mass of guests.

The whole point is that the doctor says the information about the child’s field is not the future mother and father, but the party organizer. That is, at the time of the beginning of a big holiday, only one person knows the truth - the one who arranges the action.

Relatives, relatives and friends, as well as future parents themselves, remain impatiently waiting until the end of the party.

Some couples confine themselves to taking paperwork from a hat with the letters M and F, but our heroes decided to distinguish themselves: they shot containers full of colored powder. If a blue cloud rises into the air, a boy will be born, if pink is a girl.

In the family of frontier guard Dennis Dickey, everyone loves weapons very much, and therefore the relatives liked the fun.

A can of colored powder was placed in the middle of a field in Arizona. Nobody was embarrassed by the forecasts of weather forecasters, who for several weeks have warned against any careless actions. the state has the worst drought.

After a well-aimed shot of the future father, something went wrong, the canister exploded, the fire instantly spread almost 200 square kilometers and caught the territory of a national park in the neighboring state - Colorado.

The cost of damage amounted to over 8 million dollars. The couple will have to pay this amount for many years in monthly installments. But now no one doubts that the couple is waiting for the birth of a boy.

Parties of gender reveal party, it should be noted, have already reached Russia. Some agencies for organizing celebrations already offer such services to expectant parents.


