A child in Germany was dissatisfied with Christmas gifts and called the police

In the German city of Tsetel, the police officers were quite surprised when they arrived at an ordinary call to one of the houses. The police, as it turned out, caused a 9-year-old child. The angry boy met the guards on the threshold. He resented - Santa brought him something completely different than what he ordered!

As proof of his rightness, the child showed the police a list of desired gifts he had compiled, and then offered to see what was under the tree in the box. Nothing from the children's list under the tree was not there.

The police had to reassure the baby and explain to him that Santa is no longer so young, and therefore it can easily confuse something, including gifts.

Around the world after Catholic Christmas, a wave of similar news swept. In Italy, a 90-year-old single woman called the police on a holiday just because she was bored and had no one to celebrate. The carabineers agreed to help the woman and even ran off for a Christmas present.

The British military responded with indignation to the gifts they were given for Christmas. Soldiers in Afghanistan received from their home government £ 1 each as a gift. The soldiers noted that the British authorities are spending more on feeding stray cats and dogs.

The Austrians went the farthest. 72% of the country's residents said that they were not happy with the gifts received for Christmas, and they intend to ... sell them, so that they can buy what they dreamed of.

They even launched an online platform for the exchange and sale of Christmas gifts. Now there are many sets of men's and women's underwear, perfumes, cups and souvenirs. This year, children are also involved in the sale - there were gifts from Santa on the platform - designers, dolls, soft toys, which the children “did not order”.

Russian children are more loyal to the gifts of Santa Claus, and such situations usually do not occur. Although lately, according to the staff of the New Year's Post of Santa Claus, children have become more mercantile. Health and happiness for their loved ones are asked for only a few. 99% of letters are requests for gadgets and toys. There are not requests, but whole requirements in which the child not only asks for a specific gadget, but also indicates the store in which Santa Claus is worth buying it.

Psychologists say that the very meaning of Christmas and New Year gifts is almost lost, because their meaning is in showing attention and care, and not in what and at what price it was bought as a gift.


