In Volgograd, after years, parents returned their long-dead child to their parents.

A resident of Volgograd, 6 years after giving birth, learned that her baby survived despite adverse forecasts of doctors. She was helped to learn this by the officers of the bailiff service.

In 2011, a woman gave birth to a boy who was very weak. Doctors confidently stated that he has no more than a week to live. The decision to write a "refusal" was given to the mother with great difficulty, but she still issued a rejection of the child and went home. Three days later, the newly minted parents, unable to bear the pangs of conscience, returned to the maternity hospital for their baby, but the doctors told them that pussy has already passed away.

And only last year, the bailiffs of Volgograd received documents for the recovery of alimony from a woman for the maintenance of a boy in an orphanage. The woman was called to the department. It opened the truth - the son was alive, contrary to doctors' forecasts. All this time he lived in an orphanage.

The mother, whom the bailiffs literally “stunned” by such news, lost consciousness right in the department of bailiffs.

The family, which suddenly found a long-lost son, sued for the restoration of parental rights. Recently boy taken away from the orphanage. Now he lives with his own parents.


