Do not feed these children: Rospotrebnadzor has ranked the most harmful children's delicacies

Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor compiled a rating for parents most harmful goodiesthat so often love to treat children.

The desire to give the child pleasure, pamper or encourage him, leads to excess weight, obesity at a very early age, to the development of severe forms of allergy, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A little later, these children begin endocrine disorders that affect the entire work of all organs and systems, and in adulthood, problems with reproductive health can begin.

To avoid such consequences for the health of your beloved daughters and sons, health officers suggest Completely exclude from the diet of children some foods and treats.

The rating is made by descending degree of harm, that is, the top positions in it are the most dangerous for the child:

  • Cotton candy

It is essentially a sugar syrup mixed with dyes. Dangerous in terms of diabetes and obesity.

  • Popcorn

Despite the fact that manufacturers position their goods as "popcorn", in fact it is a product rich in transgenic fats and salts.

Causes severe allergies, has a cumulative effect.

  • Lollipops

This refers to bright candy with dyes, as well as candy - "pop", chewing marmalade, etc.

Such sweets not only increase the risk of caries, but can also cause DNA mutations of some cells, for example, sex, because they contain dangerous and aggressive dyes.

  • Chewing gum

Everyone knows about the harm of chewing gum - the development of gastric juice during chewing increases the likelihood of developing gastritis and even peptic ulcer of the stomach and esophagus. Swallowed gum often cause intestinal obstruction.

  • French fries

This is another tasty, but very unhealthy product, which ranks second after popcorn in the content of transgenic fats.

  • Fast food

In shawarma or hot dog, bought on the street or in the fast-food chain, quite often there are products that have long been spoiled. This can cause severe food poisoning.

  • Ice cream

Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor considered it even dangerous. But it should be understood that this is not about all the ice cream in the world.

Quality ice cream is not prohibited. But 95% of what is sold in a shop under the guise of ice cream today consists of vegetable fats. It is strictly impossible to give such products to children.

  • Chips and crackers

No need to think that this is potato and bread. Chips and crackers have nothing to do with potatoes or bread.

This is a real storehouse of flavors, dyes and food additives, from which allergies, endocrine system diseases, and excess weight develop.

  • Carbonated drinks

A large amount of sugar in them makes the child feel hungry. If you drink a lot of lemonade, the child begins to lose the natural reserves of calcium, which is not the best effect on the state of his bone system.

If you still want to give the child something from the above list, sanitary doctors recommend make these dishes by yourself - Homemade shawarma or potato chips cooked in the oven can be very tasty and healthy, and lemonade is perfectly replaced by homemade compote.


