Fraternal: Russian mothers confessed that they are having a second child for the sake of the first

Rosstat conducted a curious study that clarified the reasons why the majority of women and about half of men decide to have a second and subsequent children.

It showed that parents often follow the second baby because state support measuresthat exist at the moment in Russia. However, this is not the only motivation. Approximately 70% of mothers told that they give birth to the second one also because the first one should not feel lonely and be selfish.

According to the survey, about 49% of mothers are counting on more active support in old age, proportional to the number of children in the family. About 50% of women said they give birth to a second in order to strengthen their family. 48% of women cited the desire to "tinker" with the baby again as a motivation, since the first child grew up and became more independent.

Maternal capital, the desire to receive large benefits "push" women to give birth to second and third children in 70% of cases. Wives in this support about 40% of men. Often matkapital - the only way to improve living conditions, including for the firstborn.

The survey among men generally showed interesting moments. It turns out that the representatives of the stronger sex significantly rarely miss the baby in the houseif the eldest child grew up. About such a “longing” as a motivation to start a second baby was announced only by about a third of men.

Unplanned second children appear, according to the survey, in every fifth family, and in every fourth such a “surprise” is the birth of the third child.

Rosstat was interested in the reproductive plans of Russians at the end of 2017. The survey was conducted in all regions. More than 15,000 families were surveyed, whose spouses are of reproductive age (from 18 to 44 years).


