In Russian schools will be taught in their native languages

State Duma deputies again returned to the issue of the right to education in their native language.

In Russia, they speak 227 languages. The Constitution guarantees that every child has the right to education in the mother tongue, but in practice textbooks are available in five languages ​​only, and educational programs are made only in 13 languages.

Examination of textbooks costs a lot of money, printing editions to the Ministry of Education is unprofitable.

At the same time, the question of whether to provide suitable learning conditions for children with disabilities — a large print in textbooks for the visually impaired or textbooks on Braille for the blind — is not raised at all.

The State Duma believes that this state of affairs is clearly does not contribute to the preservation of languages and reform is required.

In Yakutia, for example, pupils who study their native language other than Russian over the last year have decreased by 15%, while in Kalmykia the number of schoolchildren studying their native language at school has decreased by 19%.

The draft law on improving the status of the native language when teaching at school was adopted in the first reading.

The document provides for a number of changes: native languages cannot be moved to the optional part school program. Parents of a child will have the right to choose a language for studying before the first grade and again - after graduating from primary school when a child enters grade 5.

In addition, the deputies appealed to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to establish Native Language Support Fundwho will develop the concept of teaching. It is planned to provide funds in the budget for printing the corresponding textbooks.


