Selfimania: how to return a child to reality?

Employees of the Ministry of Health of Russia reported that psychiatrists have introduced new terms to refer to children's and adolescent hobbies of selfies - "selfism" and "selfmania". Unintelligent love for photographing oneself and putting pictures on the Web is referred by experts to the category of pathologies - addictions. The stronger the addiction, the harder it is to help the child get rid of it.

Child psychiatrists reminded parents that there are signs that will allow to define selfism at the very initial stages, when it is easier to help the child.

So, children who photograph themselves at least 3-4 times a day and post photos on the Internet in search of approval and "likes" are a risk group for which a therapeutic approach is already needed.

Experts believe that in search of virtual "classes" and "likes" children go off the Web from the ugly, in their opinion, realityin which there is no place for real approval and participation (parents are too busy, pay little attention, do not approve of something). Children compensate for the lack of human participation and attention on the Internet.

It is almost impossible to dissuade a child, to force him to throw selfies, experts say. If you cannot redirect the child’s attention to other areas of life on your own, psychiatrists recommend that you contact a doctor or child psychologist, since selfism, like most other addictions to which a person is subject, needs professional and competent correction.


