Modern children are offered to learn from Soviet textbooks.

In St. Petersburg, the parent community rebelled against the modern education system and stood for good old classic soviet school books.

Now, moms and dads are looking for like-minded people all over the country - they intend to demand from officials of education the right to choose textbooks for their children for which they themselves have studied.

According to activists, modern textbooks are compiled unreasonably, incorrectly, and sometimes illiterately.

Surprisingly, the action has already been supported. thousands of parents and even school teachers from Simferopol, Krasnodar, Smolensk, Novosibirsk, Moscow and Samara.

If officials refuse to take into account the wishes of parents, moms and dads offer to create your own classes and actively take advantage right to family educationwhich is provided for by current legislation.

Teach their children they firmly decided on the textbooks of the USSRbecause they believe that they were compiled most fully, correctly and allowed children to get much more knowledge.

In all cities that supported the action, parents took upon themselves the cost of reprinting textbooks.

The complete set for first-graders - "Primer", "Native Speech", "Drawing", "Native Song" and "Arithmetic" has already been printed.

In late August, large runs of textbooks for the second grade will be printed.

The specialists of the Ministry of Education, who have already held the reissued books in their hands, note that the textbooks of the Soviet era Fully fit into state education standards.

The intentions of activists advocating a return to basics are very, very serious. Almost every day they receive new applications for textbooks from parents who would like to give their children a good education, as well as acquire new supporters.


