Calm, only calm - the stress of a man at the time of conception can lead to mental illness in a child

American scientists from the state of Maryland made an unexpected statement. They claim that they conducted large-scale studies and concluded that the mental health of a child directly depends not only on the state of the mother during gestation, but also from father's mood at the time of conception.

Neuroscientists were able to find that male mice, which were in a state of constant stress, produced offspring, who did not respond to stress at all, the mice were inhibited and depressed, suffer from a disorientation in space. It turned out that male sperm cells "on the nerves" have changes at the miRNA level. These molecules are necessary for the production of proteins.

These cells are part of the sperm and partially determine the genetic set that the sperm will deliver to the egg cell.

Modified miRNAs carry inadequate information, and the baby’s brain is initially laid, and then develops with impairments.

Scientists have said that their experiment suggests that paternal stress significantly increases the likelihood of a child developing autism, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders.


