Think of your grandchildren: scientists have discovered a new danger of smoking during pregnancy

A woman who continues to smoke during pregnancy risks never becoming a happy grandmother. Scientists from the University of New South Wales (Australia) conducted a large study effects of nicotine on the baby in the womb and came to the conclusion that smoking while carrying a baby significantly increases the risks infertility offspring.

In addition, there are risks of infertility in children who are smoked by the mother who feeds breast milk.

The results of the study interested scientists and physicians around the world.

Russians also called them significant and important. Sergei Lebedev, a leading expert of the Ministry of Health in the field of assisted reproductive technologies, said that the new data will help explain cases of so-called idiopathic infertility, that is, a condition in which the spouses are healthy, but they do not conceive for unexplained reasons.

University of New South Wales (Australia)
Sergey Lebedev - expert reproductologist

The experience of researchers at the University of New South Wales was conducted, of course, not in humans, but in laboratory mice.

Pregnant female rodents were forced to inhale tobacco smoke. Its amount was the same as the amount of harmful substances in a person who smokes exactly 24 cigarettes a day. With this The strength of tobacco products does not matter - “light” cigarettes are no less harmful than strong ones.

The offspring, born in these experimental mice-females, and helped to understand what changes have occurred.

Have male mice sperm produced by 45% lessthan have mice born non-smoking moms. The quality of seed material also left much to be desired. About 20% of mice were completely barren. At born mice - girls oocytes had an irregular shape in 70% of cases, congenital organic defects, almost always an obstacle to the onset of pregnancy.

According to scientists, a similar experiment, if it was carried out in humans, would give exactly the same results.

With respect to male offspring, the harm to mother smoking during pregnancy is proven and justified, but the girls still have to work hard - during the experiments other mutations were identified, including mutations of a genomic nature, therefore the consequences of mom’s harmful habitual for babies may be more serious than infertility.

Researchers have now taken up this issue, a series of experiments have already been assigned. To biologists joined genetics, fertility doctors, oncologists and chemists.

It is believed that this study can not only explain cases of infertility among people of reproductive age, but also prevent an increase in the number of infertile couples.

If women during pregnancy will reasonably demonstrate what exactly can expect her child in the future, the desire to smoke in the "interesting position" noticeably diminished.


