Scientists have found out what men are the most healthy children are born

Researchers at Ohio University (USA) gave an answer to the question of which men produce the healthiest children.

They managed to establish that a certain level of physical activity in the representatives of the stronger sex shortly before conceiving a childdirectly affects the state of health and mental abilities of the baby.

The experiment was conducted on laboratory mice. A series of experimental experiments showed that the activity of a male before conception formed a certain "behavior" of his germ cells.

If a man is at rest, his sperm contains one set of micro-RNA. When a man is physically tense, active, this short set of nucleotides will be qualitatively different. If a man is active, his micro-RNA gives a "command" to the genes, the nucleotides provide for the rapid inclusion of all DNA links, and this gives a start high cognitive abilities in offspring.

At the same time, scientists have paid attention to the fact that, for men who constantly lead an active lifestyle, such an "inclusion" does not occur. Nucleotides are activated only if, shortly before conception, a man dramatically activates physical activity.

If we talk directly about the results of the experiment, the experiments showed the following: male mice with overweight and a lot of diseases became fathers of healthy and smarter pups if they were physically active a few days before mating and even managed to lose some weight.

Young and healthy males who were forced to be in close space and could not actively move up to conception of offspring, as well as young males who were always active, did not show such impressive results - among their offspring smart mice and kids with average and below average abilities were equally.

Thus, scientists have recommended men who want to conceive a healthy and intelligent child, become active about a couple of months before conception. This time will be quite enough for the updated composition of sperm to contain the right amount of specific nucleotides.


