Pets: Scientists have found out who their parents love most - sons or daughters

In society, it is considered that parents equally love both sons and daughters. That is how parents who raise heterosexual babies, as well as those with children of the same sex, will respond. But scientists believe that parents are cunning and, without knowing it, deceiving themselves and others.

An international group of evolutionary biologists from the United States of America and Finland conducted an experiment, the results of which turned out to be quite unexpected. They were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

As a basis, scientists took the statement that wealthy moms and dads are more willing to invest in sons, and the poor in daughters. They asked parents with different incomes to anonymously fill out questionnaires.

The study involved 347 mothers and 423 fathers. They were asked to write anonymously, whom they love more - son or daughter. After that, with each of the subjects, psychologists conducted a series of tests aimed at identifying unconscious (subconscious) preferences.

They were shown images of toddlers male and female, pictures replaced each other at high speed. The task was set fairly simple - quickly pick up positive and negative adjectives for each picture from the list.

It turned out that family affluence does not affect the internal attitude to the child, there is no influence and level of education of the parents, their social status, religion, etc.

Without exception, mothers and fathers love children of their own sex, that is, fathers in their souls are drawn to sons, and mothers - to daughters.

Men, who even indicated in the questionnaire that they liked their daughters more, picked up positive adjectives for small boys a little faster, and women for pictures of little girls a little faster.

Also, a group of scientists was able to establish that women's love for their daughters is always expressed more than men's love for their sons, but here the reason lies in the relatively small emotionality of the stronger sex.

The author of the experiment and the head of the research group Robert Lynch, representing the University of Turku (Finland), reported that the results obtained were fully reflect the social and cultural processes in society.

If earlier the birth of a boy in almost all nations was considered more preferable and valued much higher, then today girls' value has increased significantly, and the facts of their birth, society has become more loyal. In addition, girls study better, behave more roughly, are more focused on getting a profession.

Robert Lynch
university of Turku


