In my mother's footsteps: scientists said that daughters inherit from mom the script of relationships with men

American scientists conducted a study that clearly demonstrated that "the apple does not fall far from the apple tree." Researchers have established a pattern between the scenario of relations with mothers of men and relations with the opposite sex of their grown-up daughter.

They proved that daughters inherit not only the type of maternal relationships with partners, but also the number of partners.

The study examined the personal histories of nearly seven thousand women in Ohio over the past 40 years. The basis was formed by sociological surveys, which were conducted from 1979 to the present day. If in the 70s and 80s young women were interviewed about the type of their relationship with men, now they interviewed the daughters of these women and compared the data obtained. The questionnaire included questions about marriages, divorces, relationships outside the marriage bond.

It turned out that daughters with probability up to 95% inherit the maternal scenario in a personal relationship. To try to explain this discovery, scientists had to put forward several theories.

First of all, they all suspected economic instability, but sociologists who are part of the research group rejected the theory because of its insolvency.

Psychologists have assumed that the daughters are closely watching the behavior of mothers, watching how their lives are being built, and subconsciously copy the script mom.

But this theory has caused bewilderment among biologists, who noticed that mature girls are copying and what they could not see - the type and nature of the relationship with the mother before the birth of the child.

Genetics have suggested that the type of marriage relationship is transmitted with genetic information at the time of conception of the baby. And if the boys usually do not repeat the paternal scenario, the girls inherit maternal marriage behavior in full "inherited."


