Scientists estimate how fast Santa Claus moves around the country

Specialists of Siberian State University were able to calculate the speed of Santa Claus movement in Russia. Everyone knows that on the New Year's Eve, the winter wizard should have time for each child with a gift, and he should do this in just one night, so that on January 1 the kids will find pleasant surprises under the Christmas trees. The country is big, there are many children, and Santa Claus is one.

To understand the speed with which he would have to move on New Year's Eve, the scientists had to take the Rosstat data on the number of underage Russians, which turned out to be almost 27 million people.

Then mathematicians calculated the area of ​​the country and turned out approximately 17.1 million square kilometers.

Calculations showed that Santa Claus really existsbecause no one in the world can replace it: even if a volunteer moves on a New Year's Eve on an MIG-31 supersonic interceptor plane at a speed of 3,500 kilometers per hour, he will be able to deliver gifts to all children of Russia need at least 200 days.

On the eve of holidays, scientists proposed to show the results of their research to doubting children and adolescents and added that they would strive over time to improve flights in order to at least get a little closer to the magic speed of Grandfather Frost.

The leader of the group of mathematicians told us that our laws of physics are unlikely to apply to that wonderful magical world in which Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snow Maiden live. To fly around all the kids on New Year's Eve, the winter wizard must move at a speed equal to 14% of the speed of light (114,000 kilometers per hour or about 40 kilometers per second). On Earth, such engines have not yet been created, the researchers noticed.

On their research Siberian mathematicians decided after 10-year-old child of one of the scientists said that he no longer believes in Santa Clausthat the bearded wizard does not exist. To convince the child in the opposite, and at the same time to give parents of the whole country a powerful argument in such conversations with their children, these calculations were started.


