Baleen "healers": scientists find that cats and dogs reduce the risk of childhood allergies

Swedish medicine and biology experts found out that Domestic cats and dogs - an excellent remedy for childhood allergies.

Scientific research has shown that the best gift for a child is a cat or puppy, as animals not only bring up responsibility and kindness in children, but also do not allow the little owner to suffer from allergies. It turned out that the more pets in the house, the lower the risk of allergies in children.

Employees of the University of Gothenburg became interested in the question of the interaction of quadrupeds and children. They analyzed the data 1029 children aged 7-8 years, as well as almost 250 children aged 8-9 years.

The first group included children who grow up without cats and dogs in the house. In the second - children growing up in the same house with animals. Separately drew attention to the family, where the animals were already in the first year of life of the babies, and also took into account the number of baleen-striped.

Among the children of the first group who grow without animals in general, the prevalence of various forms of allergy was 48-50%.

Children who grow up in the house with one pet, suffer from allergies less often - in 35-43% of cases.

But in children who grow up with numerous pets (two or three cats, a couple of dogs, hamsters, etc.), turned out to be the healthiest - the prevalence of allergic reactions among them amounted to only 7-10%.

The researchers explained this by the fact that the contact of children's immunity with animal antigens, which is unavoidable when living together in the same room, forms the body’s resistance to allergens.

At the same time, scientists highlighted children from birth to one year. It was in this year that the foundations of immunity are being formed, and therefore the best gift for a newborn is not a stroller or a rattle, but a living and fluffy pet. And better, just two.


