In India, a woman who, due to a rare disease cannot have sex, gave birth to a child

Indian resident of Maharashtra Revati Bordavekar never had sex due to a rare disease. But this did not prevent her from becoming a mother; her daughter Eve was born.

The fact that she had vaginismus (spastic contraction of the muscles of the vagina), she learned at 22, when she tried to use hygienic tampons. But then she did not go to the doctor, not fully understanding what the problem is fraught with in the future.

Six years ago, the girl met on the Internet with an attractive young man, a year later the couple married officially, and after the wedding, the newlywed admitted to her husband that she had problems of intimate nature.

For several years, the couple tried to cope with the problem, tried a lot of ways, but nothing helped. And then they decided to consult a doctor who advised ... give a birth to a baby. I had to resort to the procedure of IVF.

Pregnant Bordavekar recommended a caesarean section, but she refused. And, as it turned out, committed correctly acted. The generic process has weakened the symptoms of vaginismus, and doctors say that now a woman can make love with her husband.


