In the rhythm of childbirth: the dances of the parturient woman and her husband in the maternity hospital conquered Internet users

American Alicia (last name not reported) from the state of Florida won the Internet users with her an unusual way to give birth. Her firstborn, daughter Tatum, came into the world not without the help of a very original behavior of the woman in the clinic, where she was taken with labor pains.

While the rest giving birth lie and groan, trying to survive the contractions, Alicia and her husband decided to relieve their birth pain with an incendiary dance. They went into the corridor of the maternity hospital and began to dance - unprofessionally, but from the heart.

The dance turned out to be so positive and infectious that the on-duty medical staff joined the giving birth woman and her spouse.

Having danced from the heart, Alicia went to the tribal chamber, where her daughter appeared some time later.

The video was filmed by medical workers when they saw an improvised dance show in the corridor of the clinic. They gave it to Alicia as a souvenir, and the woman decided to put the video on the Web. He scored an incredible amount of views and enthusiastic comments.

Alicia noted that she and her husband are generally very cheerful and positive people who love to dance, laugh, and have fun, and sing. And because her husband fully supported her idea of ​​giving birth in dance, the doctors did not object either, since the woman’s pregnancy was uneventful.

Now Alicia says that it is thanks to music and dancing that she has from the process of childbirth only pleasant memories, and for the second baby, they will definitely go with music and a new dance number.

By the way, the doctors of the clinic in Florida, where the childbirth took place, asked Alicia for the second birth to come here, because it is a pleasure to deal with such women in labor.


