In the picture of the ultrasound of the unborn baby considered the Sith lord

On the Internet, they are actively discussing a snapshot of an ultrasound scan in which users viewed the image of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, the character in the Star Wars movie saga.

The picture published the news site Reddit, and immediately the publication caused a strong reaction. A picture of a baby who has yet to be born has become very popular. Users of social networks from around the world are now competing in wits, coming up with jokes and called the future baby heir to the Sith lord.

By all accounts, a child with such similarity to Darth Sidious awaits a great future.

Many Star Wars fans intend to follow his life and future career, believing that the kid is simply obliged to repeat the brilliant career path of the person he is so much like. The lord of the dark forces, Shiv Palpatine, managed to become a senator of the Galactic Republic, and therefore almost immediately the chancellor, and in the final, he declared himself the Emperor of the Galaxy.

It is noteworthy that the first similarity of the baby in the mother's womb to the lord of the Sith was discovered by his own future uncle, he became the first to post a picture on the Internet, asking users if he only saw this similarity. It turned out, not only him.

A similar story happened two years ago. Then Internet users in the ultrasound image of a pregnant woman examined the image of the dark wizard Volan de Mort from the story of the young wizard Harry Potter.


